General Contractor in Pacoima, CA 91331

Cavalier Builders has a general contractor in Pacoima, CA 91331 just for you and your new project. We are reliable and love to work with homeowners to make their vision a reality. If you have projects in your home that need to get done or need a room remodeled we are a great choice.

What We Do General Contractor in Pacoima, CA 91331

Our team of general contractors is licensed, bonded, and insured and ready to get a job of any size completed in a timely manner. We are known in the community for excellence and perform a multitude of services:

  • Indoor and outdoor paint – Our indoor and outdoor paint services include thorough surface preparation, including cleaning and priming, to ensure a smooth and long lasting finish. Our skilled painters use high quality paints and techniques to deliver impeccable results, transforming both the interior and exterior of your home with a fresh and vibrant coat of paint. 
  • Regular household repairs – Our regular household repair services cover a wide range of tasks, from fixing leaky faucets and repairing faulty electrical outlets to patching up drywall and replacing broken tiles. Our experienced team of contractors is skilled in diagnosing and resolving various household issues, ensuring that your home remains in top condition. 
  • Kitchen and bathroom remodels – Our kitchen and bathroom remodel services encompass a comprehensive range of tasks, from design consultation and material selection to demolition, installation, and finishing touches. Whether you’re looking to update your countertops, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, or completely transform the layout and aesthetics of your kitchen or bathroom, our skilled team of contractors will work closely with you to bring your vision to life. 
  • Garage transformations and roof repairs – Our garage transformation services include converting your underutilized garage space into a functional and stylish area, whether it’s for an extra bedroom, home office, or entertainment room. We handle everything from insulation and drywall installation to electrical work and flooring. Additionally, our roof repair services encompass identifying and fixing leaks, replacing damaged shingles, and ensuring the overall integrity and longevity of your roof. 
  • Room additions – Our room addition services involve expanding the existing footprint of your home to create additional living space. From design to construction to obtaining necessary permits, our team of contractors will guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your new room seamlessly integrates with your home’s architecture and meets your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking to add a new bedroom, home office, or playroom, we have the expertise to bring your vision to fruition. 
  • and much, much more

If you don’t see your project listed just speak to one of our team members and they will help you out.

We Serve Pacoima, CA 91331

We have a general contractor in Pacoima, CA serving the 91331 zip code and other areas just for you. If you are new to the area we understand the adjustments you have to make when moving and depending on what type of home you moved into you could need a lot of repairs. Well, we are here for you, just make sure you take a break sometimes and check out the area to relax and get to know your community better. Queen’s Burgers is a local mainstay that is a great place to gather and have a good bite to eat with friends or family. The Japanese Garden is a beautiful place to take a stroll and observe the beautiful grounds and birds they have to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions about General Contractors 

Looking for more information on whether or not you should hire a general contractor for your next home renovation? Check out our frequently asked questions below to get all the information you need! 

What services do general contractors provide? 

General contractors offer a wide range of services, including remodeling, room additions, roof repairs, and more. They handle everything from design and construction to obtaining the necessary permits, ensuring a seamless integration with your home’s architecture. 

How do I choose the right general contractor? 

When selecting a general contractor, it’s imperative to consider their experience, reputation, and portfolio of previous work. Additionally, make sure they are licensed, insured, and offer clear communication and transparent pricing. 

How long does a home renovation project typically take? 

The duration of a home renovation project depends on various factors, such as the scope of work and the size of the project. While smaller projects can be completed in a matter of weeks, larger scale renovations may take several months. It’s best to consult with your general contractor for a more accurate timeline. 

Set Up Your In-Home Consultation

If you are ready to set up your in-home consultation Cavalier Builders is here for you! During the in-home consultation, our team will discuss your specific renovation needs, provide personalized recommendations, and answer any additional questions you may have. We will work closely with you to ensure that your vision for your home is brought to life, and that the renovation process is smooth and stress-free.

Call us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards transforming your home!

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